Kent Town

Kent Town, South Australia, 5071

  ranked 77 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Aggregate Data of Kent Town
Postal code: 5071
Overall rating: 8.9, ranked 77 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Population: 1199, ranked 256 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Measurement: 0.6088 km2 , ranked 306 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Population density: 1969.45 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 1.9 km
Average level of education: 11.42 years , ranked 62 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Median yearly personal income: 28288 AUD , ranked 222 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Median weekly personal income: 544 AUD , ranked 222 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Median weekly family income: 1680 AUD , ranked 144 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Median weekly household income: 1036 AUD , ranked 222 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Kent Town suburbs nearby
Hackney 5069
College Park 5069
Stepney 5069
Norwood 5067
Rose Park 5067
Adelaide 5000
Maylands 5069
St Peters 5069
Dulwich 5065
Updated: 2019-05-01 09:22:34